Angela Sara Cacciapuoti

Professoressa di Quantum Communications and Networks, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione (DIETI), Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Angela Sara Cacciapuoti is a faculty at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy), where she is co-leading the Quantum Internet Research Group ( Her research interests include mainly quantum communications and quantum networks. In particular, her research seeks to pave the ground for a better understanding of the challenges and technical leaps necessary to achieve the ultimate vision of a Quantum Internet.
Her work has appeared in first tier IEEE journals and she has received different awards and recognitions, including the the "2022 IEEE ComSoc Best Tutorial Paper Award” and “2021 N2Women: Stars in Networking and Communications”. She is a IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer. Angela Sara currently serves as Editor/Associate Editor for the journals: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Trans. on Communications, IEEE Trans. on Quantum Engineering and IEEE Network. She was also the recipient of the 2017 Exemplary Editor Award of the IEEE Communications Letters.
Angela Sara served as Vice-Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Women in Communications Engineering (WICE). Previously, she has been appointed as Publicity Chair of WICE. In 2016 she has been an appointed member of the IEEE ComSoc Young Professionals Standing Committee. From 2017 to 2020, she has been the Treasurer of the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group of the IEEE Italy Section.